Favorite Christmas Movie
originally published on December 27, 2020
I have several favorite Christmas movies, but the most favorite of all is It’s a Wonderful Life. This is not only my favorite Christmas movie, but my favorite movie!
We all know the story by heart, so there’s no need to repeat it. The question remains, though: Why do I love it so much?
I love it because I love George Bailey.
George is a man who loves his family and friends and gives selflessly for their betterment and well-being to the point of sacrificing his own dreams. Not that he planned to do this or that it was easy. All he wanted at the beginning was to “shake the dust of this crummy little town off my feet and see the world!”
But at the key, critical moments of his life when it mattered the most he acts decisively and consistently, regardless of the personal cost, to do the best thing for his family and friends and even for strangers. He lives with integrity and puts the needs of others ahead of his own.
In the alternate universe where George was not born, we glimpse the unhappy, vice-filled Pottersville and see clearly how George Bailey’s life makes Bedford Falls the friendly, idyllic place it is — in drastic contrast to the dark Pottersville.
George’s actions of love and sacrifice matter. Isn’t this the Gospel message and the Golden Rule all rolled into one? Indeed, if we could all imitate George Bailey and put others first, we would all live in Bedford Falls.
This Christmas, let’s all try.